Wow have I had an eventful day! I just can't keep it to myself! First, me and my crew landed on the sandy beach of the city of Pylos. Me and my mentor, Athena, got off of our ship and approached the people on the shore. They were having a major sacrificing ritual to Posiedon, god of the sea, on the beach! They slaughtered numerous bulls. At first, I was very nervous to approach the civilians seeing as I am very new to this sort of thing but Athena lifted my spirits and gave me the self confidence I needed. As they realized that we were strangers on their homeland they welcomed us to pray with them and eat with them. That was a good sign that we were very welcomed there. It was a very marvelous meal and a very wholesome prayer by Athena. After the meal, Nestor, the man we had been looking for to supply us with information concerning my father, asked us who we were. We explained to him that we were on the search for the whereabouts of my father. He was a good friend of Odyseuss and thought I was very much like him. This was comforting to me because I don't remember my father and having an old friend of his telling me we were similar was comforting. I had found the man I needed to speak with and of course I was dying for my info! So Nestor, such a good man, took a very long time to recall the battles of Troy and times with my father and the other men he fought beside in the horrible war. But even one of Odyseuss's old friends doesn't know where he is and to me it seemed like I was back at square one but Nestor suggested that I go talk to Menelaos of Lakedaimon. He thinks that maybe he will know more about my father. I thanked him so much for his information even though it wasn't was I was looking for but I will not give up. Nestor found out that Athena was the goddess Athena and what a shock that was to him. He got everyone to participate in a wonderful sacrificing of a cow. He refused that I spend the night on my ship so I slept at his place where I slave bathed me and treated me like a god. It must be because I walk among one. That night, I was escorted to a car where I was taken out of Pylos for the rest of my adventure. I feel as if the farther I get away from home and my life before as a child the more knowledge I am learning about my father. I has really been a great experience so far I'm just now concerned what else I am expected to give up to gain things, like my father, in the future. Also on this journey, I have discovered that yoyu must put all of your trust into anyone who can help you even though in the end they might not be trustworthy. But I feel you must try to trust these strangers for the greater good of finding my father. The ends justify the means for me and if putting faith into people I barely know is a mean for me, then I hope the end will be worth it.
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